Important Tips to Stay Healthy during Monsoon Season

It feels good to welcome monsoon rains after experiencing the flaming summer heat. But with the pleasant monsoon time, arrives certain unwanted hazards that we should avoid by taking precautions. The monsoon rainy season brings some unwelcome guests that act as an ideal medium for infection and unwanted disease. The most common infectious disease agents are virus and bacteria that contaminate the water and make it unfit for use. Follow useful health tips to stay fit sans possible risks. Welcome monsoon but do not invite health hazards Our body is more susceptible to health risks in the rainy season because the atmosphere in such a climate is humid and contagious. So we must take healthy foods and drinks to keep our body resistant to infection. Let’s have a look at some of the effective tips to make this the monsoon season more enjoyable and stay away from diseases that may be caused due to unhealthy habits. Avoid Street Food : During monsoon, our digestive system is...